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GIFT CARD/ VOUCHERS for music lessons

We are confident our teachers provide the best and most enjoyable teaching available. We recognise that investing in a musical education is not inexpensive, albeit the rewards are manifold.


If you are hesitant about music lessons, we can offer one of two possibilities to help you decide –


  •   One 30-minute trial lesson, either at our studios or online for £25.
Or     •   Three 30-minute lessons for £50.


This offer is limited to one per student. Should you continue after the trial lesson, its cost would be deducted from the first termly booking.


Once you have identified for yourself that our belief in our teachers is justified, the following lesson prices would apply:


Studio Lessons


Option 1


20 minutes: £17
30 minutes: £25
45 minutes: £37.50
60 minutes: £50


Option 2


20 minutes: £18
30 minutes: £26
45 minutes: £39
60 minutes: £52


Ad Hoc


20 minutes: £19
30 minutes: £28
45 minutes: £42
60 minutes: £56


Home Visits


Option 1


20 minutes: £19*
30 minutes: £28*
45 minutes: £42*
60 minutes: £56*


Option 2


20 minutes: £19.50*
30 minutes: £29*
45 minutes: £43.50*
60 minutes: £58*


Ad Hoc


20 minutes: £20*
30 minutes: £30*
45 minutes: £45*
60 minutes: £60*


Online Lessons


Option 1


20 minutes: £15
30 minutes: £23
45 minutes: £34.50
60 minutes: £46


Option 2


20 minutes: £16.50
30 minutes: £24.50
45 minutes: £37
60 minutes: £49


Ad Hoc


20 minutes: £17.50
30 minutes: £26
45 minutes: £39
60 minutes: £52


Our pricing options offer varying flexibility for cancelling/rescheduling pre-booked lessons. Option 1 : No cancellations are credited; Option 2: One authorised cancellation per term credited to your account subject to 48 hours’ notice being given (Please see Cancellation Policy under Clause iii); Ad-hoc: Teacher/day/time is not reserved and subject to availability at the time of booking. No cancellations are credited. *Additionally, for home visits the final price is subject to the area visited.


Childcare Vouchers

We accept childcare vouchers for lessons held at our OFSTED registered studios. Discounts or promotional offers are not available when using the vouchers and usual terms apply.


Family Discount

If two or more family members are taking individual lessons, we automatically provide a 5% discount+.


Over 60s; Special Needs; Disabled; Lessons taken before 3pm weekday

A 10% discount+ applies.


+Discounts cannot be combined with other discounts or promotional offers. Childcare vouchers cannot be used along with discounts or promotional offers.



Pricing information


All lessons are payable in advance.


How to pay


We provide several ways to make payments.


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